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YA Novelties

We're just four ordinary teenagers, Angie, Jenny, Rosie, and ~M, that have have nothing better to do than read.


Review: Opal (Lux #3) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Opal - Jennifer L. Armentrout
I. Have. Been. Waiting. For. This. Book. For. Forever!!! (aka since I finished Onyx, which might as well have been forever ago) And now I have to wait another forever for the next novel???! 
Jennifer L. Armentrout has done it again! Opal is (so far) my favorite of the Lux series. Opal is one of those novels that makes you go ughhh, I just NEED to know what happens next! Word of advice: This novel ends on a cliff-hanger, so if you don't like cliff-hangers or if you don't like/want to wait forever for the next book, you might want to wait a few months to read Opal, since the next Lux book doesn't come out for another 6 months (July 2013; mark that on your calendars! I know I did, LOL). 
Daemon and Kat, two characters I can not get enough of! Can I just say for the 50th time of how much I love the Lux series? I LOVE the Lux series sooooo much! I may even like the Lux better than I like the Covenant series, which is saying a lot because I love the Covenant series! 
Ok so about the book... Daemon and Kat's adventures against the DOD continues! Dawson came back!!!!!! He's a little bit messed up since the DOD caught and jailed him, but he's back! All Dawson wants to do is get Beth back, so our Luxens go to get Beth back. The action(battling the bad guys) in this novel was not as intense as the action inOnyx, but there was a good amount of action. There is definitely a lot more deaths in this novel then in the others, some (most) of them were deaths of people you would not have expected to die.
You need this book! It's hard to tell you about the awesomeness of this novel, so you need to read this book!