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YA Novelties

We're just four ordinary teenagers, Angie, Jenny, Rosie, and ~M, that have have nothing better to do than read.

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily - Jodi Lynn Anderson 3.5 Stars! Check this review out on our blog!

I had a bit of a love-hate with this book...

It's a retelling of Peter Pan, so of course this book is a good book. I'm bias, I know. Peter Pan is one of my favorite stories ever! Also it's in Tinkerbell's point of view! Tink is the BEST! I wish she could talk though....

The story being in Tink's point of view was really different because this is a secondary character, one that no one really notices in the book, telling the whole story. If it was in Peter's or Tiger Lily's point of view that, in my opinion, would be a lot better because you get more of an insight to what the main characters are thinking. When I said I wish Tink could talk, I really wish that Tink could take because that would help solve the problems in the story a whole lot better, but I guess since she saw the problems faster than the main characters did if she talked then the book wouldn't have any big issues occurring.

In every single book I have ever read, there is always a character I feel bad for. In this novel at first it was Phillip, because his whole crew died and he was attacked by pirates, but later in the book it was Tik Tok that I felt bad for. Phillip is not a bad person, but he got into everyones' heads and made them think that Tik Tok dressing and acting feminine was not OK, so Tik Tok, who was the head of the village, is now shunned by everyone. Ah I felt sooo bad for him!

What is wrong with Smee and Giant?! What the heck! They are beyond creepy! Smee likes to kill people he admires (yeah people he admires!), to feel sadness and pain and Giant is just a giant creep, who Tiger Lily unfortunately has to marry (she was forced! It's not her fault!). Since it's based off of the original Peter Pan, is Giant in the novel just to make it different than the originally story? Smee is a Peter Pan character, so it makes sense he's in the book.

Basically if you know the story of Peter Pan, at least a little bit, you have the general idea of what's going on in Tiger Lily. BUT in no way was Tiger Lily the same as Peter Pan.

Jenny @